3rd Party Integrations
Expand your Trimble Cityworks Application by sharing data with 3RD party applications such as Utility Billing, Payroll, and Finance.
3rd Party Systems + Trimble Cityworks = Integrated
Reduce duplicate entry and manual notifications by integrating Trimble Cityworks with 3rd party applications.
Extend the use of Trimble Cityworks throughout your organization by integrating Trimble Cityworks with applications such as Finance, Utility Billing and GIS. Using Trimble Cityworks APIs, WebHooks and Trimble Cityworks EURL, NewEdge staff can build upon the City’s use of software by allowing 3rd party applications to notify Trimble Cityworks of changes in pay rates, work needed from departments not using Trimble Cityworks and pushing Trimble Cityworks information to your customers and citizens via GIS web maps.

NewEdge Integrations – How We Get It Done:
NewEdge staff are experts using the Trimble Cityworks APIs and WebHooks to communicate with third party systems outside of Trimble Cityworks. We’ve worked with many clients to build out integrations specific to their needs and can do the same for you. Integrating Trimble Cityworks with third party systems, such as your ERP system, brings greater power to all your applications. Some examples include:
“We love hearing clients say “that was easy” after we’ve launched their Trimble Cityworks install”
~ Brad Daugherty
Munis Utility Billing
We integrate the Munis Utility Billing module with Trimble Cityworks to simplify the customer service relationship with Water or Meter divisions. This integration eliminates duplicate entry into two systems and manual notifications of work needed. A streamlined workflow between the two divisions allows better communication with citizens and satisfying their needs.
Managing Financials
The Trimble Cityworks Storeroom module manages inventory and contains information on material costs, expenditures and purchases – all information that a City’s Finance Department needs. Integrating Trimble Cityworks Storeroom with financial systems allows this information to be automatically submitted to the financial system real-time and eliminates the need for creating and delivering paper reports between the warehouse and the finance department.
Fuel Management
Trimble Cityworks can integrate with your fleet maintenance fuel management software to automatically generate work orders in Trimble Cityworks based on mileage collected when employees fuel up their equipment. This eliminates the need for fleet personnel to check two software systems for oil changes, tire rotations and other maintenance. Trimble Cityworks can be used as the notification system for these maintenance tasks as well.
Eliminating the duplicate entry.
The County utilized Cityworks for work order management and Munis for Utility Billing and Customer Service. Customer service representatives were entering calls received and then manually calling the Water division for needed work. Work performed was written down and when complete paper tickets delivered back to Customer Service. The integration performed in Lehigh County eliminated the paper, the errors from duplicate entries and saved time by removing the manual process of notification between departments.